Lariba Consulting is a business and Islamic finance consultancy institute, as well as an Islamic credit aggregator for asset purchases without riba. Lariba Consulting was established to assist business peopel, communities, and individuals in practicing Islamic business and finanxe, according to the Al-Quran, Hadith, and other reliable references.

Qualifications :
– Ikhwan, manhaj salaf (diutamakan)
– Responsible, honest personality, and fast learner
– S1 graduate with a minimum GPA of 3.00
– Should pass the LMC exam (Lariba Muamalah eCourse – available on Lariba Consulting’s Youtube Channel)
– Have the excellent interpersonal skill and keen on customee service orientation
– Able to work both in a team and individually
– Non-smoker and agree to comply with safety and health protocols
– Have a motorbike and a valid drivibg license
– Must register at https://tinyurl.com/recruitmentlariba by 1st March 2022

Lokasi Kerja : Cipete, Jl. Pangeran Antasari Jakarta Selatan

FB, IG, Youtube & Linkedln : laribaconsulting
Website : laribaconsulting.com

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